Why are you collecting Euros, Dollars or Yens or… ?

Do you remember the class I am following : a brief history of humankind (https://class.coursera.org/humankind-001/class). They ask us this week this question : Why are you collecting Euros, Dollars or Yens or... ? : http://youtu.be/XxgTZRsQRYo

2015-09-08T08:47:15+01:00octobre 23rd, 2013|Ca nous fait vibrer|

EU citizens at risk of poverty or social exclusion

Income poverty: 16.9 % of the population in the EU-27 at risk of income poverty In 2011, 119.6 million people, or 24.2 % (Figure 1) of the population, in the EU-27 were at risk of poverty or social exclusion (AROPE), compared with 23.6 % in 2010. In 2008 the rate was also 23.6 %. The AROPE indicator is defined as the share of the population in at least one of the following three conditions: 1) at risk of poverty, meaning below the poverty threshold, 2) in a situation of severe material deprivation, 3) living in a household with very low work intensity. The reduction of the number of persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion in the EU is one of the key targets of the Europe 2020 strategy. The AROPE figure for the EU-27 average, calculated as a weighted average of national results, masks considerable variation between Member States. At one extreme, the Member States with the highest AROPE rates were Bulgaria (49.1 %), Romania and Latvia (both around 40 %), Lithuania (33.4 %), Greece and Hungary (both 31.0 %). At the other extreme, the share of the population at risk of poverty or social exclusion was the lowest in the Czech Republic (15.3 %), the Netherlands (15.7 %) and Sweden (16.1 %), Luxembourg and Austria (16.8 and 16.9 % respectively). Overall AROPE rates have slightly increased at EU-27 level between 2010 and 2011 (0.6 pp). The risk of poverty or social exclusion rose by 3.7 pp in Italy and 3.3 pp in Greece, decreasing significantly only in Romania (-1.1 pp) and Portugal (-0.9 pp).

2013-10-18T20:34:14+01:00octobre 18th, 2013|Ca nous fait vibrer, En Belgique, En Europe|

A very useful link for SME active in the Innovation… or ready to innovate!

A very useful link for SME active in the Innovation... or ready to innovate! ICT Innovation Vouchers Microenterprises and SMEs going digital On this page Services accessible under the scheme ICT Innovation Vouchers aims to help micro-enterprises and SMEs in the EU to use digital technologies to increase their competitiveness and enhance their growth prospects. ICT Innovation voucher schemes offer vouchers valued up to €10,000. A pilot phase, during which regions can receive assistance in the form of guidance and training is underway in the Spanish regions of Extremadura and Region of Murcia. SMEs in these regions will be the first in Europe to benefit from this opportunity which is due to roll out across Europe in 2014. http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/ict-innovation-vouchers-scheme    

Operation beautiful

Operation Beautiful Through my own experiences fighting Fat Talk, I’ve realized the power behind an anonymous act such as Operation Beautiful.  When I post a note, I’m saying, “I CHOOSE to be positive!” I began Operation Beautiful by leaving positive messages on the mirrors of public restrooms — at work, at the gym, at the grocery store.  I scribble down whatever comes to mind — "You are beautiful!" or "You are amazing just the way you are!"  My personal goal is to leave as many Operation Beautiful notes as I can. Maybe some people read them and just smile, but I bet some people are truly touched by the effort of a random stranger.

2016-01-22T20:48:11+01:00octobre 17th, 2013|Ca nous fait vibrer|

Né en 17 à Leidenstadt : Aurais-je été meilleur ou pire que ces gens… Si j’avais été allemand ?

Et qu'il faut encore plus de courage et de talent pour poser la question : "Et si j'étais né en 17 à Leidenstadt" quand on a pourtant été directement victime des pires bourreaux de l'histoire... Né En 17 à Leidenstadt: {Refrain:} Et si j'étais né en 17 à Leidenstadt Sur les ruines d'un champ de bataille Aurais-je été meilleur ou pire que ces gens Si j'avais été allemand ? Bercé d'humiliation, de haine et d'ignorance Nourri de rêves de revanche Aurais-je été de ces improbables consciences Larmes au milieu d'un torrent Si j'avais grandi dans les docklands de Belfast Soldat d'une foi, d'une caste Aurais-je eu la force envers et contre les miens De trahir: tendre une main Si j'étais née blanche et riche à Johannesburg Entre le pouvoir et la peur Aurais-je entendu ces cris portés par le vent Rien ne sera comme avant On saura jamais c'qu'on a vraiment dans nos ventres Caché derrière nos apparences L'âme d'un brave ou d'un complice ou d'un bourreau? Ou le pire ou plus beau ? Serions-nous de ceux qui résistent ou bien les moutons d'un troupeau S'il fallait plus que des mots ? {au Refrain} Et qu'on nous épargne à toi et moi si possible très longtemps D'avoir à choisir un camp      

Comme toi… parce qu’il faut tout le talent d’un artiste pour ne jamais oublier…

Parce qu'il faut peut-être tout le talent d'un artiste pour ne jamais oublier... et lutter chaque jour contre toute forme de totalitarisme et de racisme... Comme toi par Jean-Jacques Goldman Elle avait les yeux clairs et la robe en velours À côté de sa mère et la famille autour Elle pose un peu distraite au doux soleil de la fin du jour La photo n´est pas bonne mais l´on peut y voir Le bonheur en personne et la douceur d´un soir Elle aimait la musique surtout Schumann et puis MozartComme toi comme toi comme toi comme toi Comme toi comme toi comme toi comme toi Comme toi que je regarde tout bas Comme toi qui dort en rêvant à quoi Comme toi comme toi comme toi comme toi Elle allait à l´école au village d´en bas Elle apprenait les livres elle apprenait les lois Elle chantait les grenouilles et les princesses qui dorment au bois Elle aimait sa poupée elle aimait ses amis Surtout Ruth et Anna et surtout Jérémie Et ils se marieraient un jour peut-être à Varsovie Comme toi comme toi comme toi comme toi Comme toi comme toi comme toi comme toi Comme toi que je regarde tout bas Comme toi qui dort en rêvant à quoi Comme toi comme toi comme toi comme toi Elle s´appelait Sarah elle n´avait pas huit ans Sa vie c´était douceur rêves et nuages blancs Mais d´autres gens en avaient décidé autrement Elle avait tes yeux clairs et elle avait ton âge C´était une petite fille sans histoire et très sage Mais elle n´est pas née comme toi ici et maintenant Comme toi comme toi comme toi comme toi Comme toi comme toi comme toi comme toi [...]

Photos des gens qui vivent dans une ville proche ou lointaine sur facebook

Je viens de découvrir une magnifique manière de voyager (ou de préparer le prochain voyage) en recherchant dans facebook les photos des gens qui vivent dans une... ville comme par exemple : Brussels Dubai New York London Roma Et ça marche aussi avec nos communes : Overijse ou Marche-en-Famenne...

My vision and approach as a Business Coach…

Let us embark on a journey during which we will both grow   “Most men and women go through their lives using no more than a fraction—usually a rather small fraction—of the potentialities within them.  The reservoir of unused human talent and energy is vast, and learning to tap that reservoir more effectively is one of the exciting tasks ahead for humankind.  Among the untapped capabilities are leadership gifts... We can do better.  Much, much better.” John Gardner, On Leadership “Yes is a world & in this world of yes live (skillfully curled) all worlds” E. E. Cummings "love is a place" « Don’t be afraid of others, they are like us » Anonymous “Stop thinking the world into pieces and start thinking it together again.” Parker J. Palmer "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi       TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1. THEORETICAL REFERENCES, READING, TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE 1.1. MY BASIC UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT COACHING IS 1.1.1. What is coaching? 1.1.2. Coaching focuses on future possibilities, not mistakes 1.1.3. Internal obstacles are often more daunting than the external ones 1.1.4. Developing new skills and competences: change 1.1.5. Setting precise goals and KPIs 1.1.6. Predominance of the Coachee or the Organization 1.1.7. Open questions only or… also some advice? 1.2. YOPTIONS AND THE INVENTED REALITY 1.3. “MÉTHODE ARC-EN-CIEL” AND THE DISC 1.4. APPRECIATIVE INQUIRY 1.5. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE 1.6. HUMOR AND LAUGHTER *              * * CHAPTER 1. THEORETICAL REFERENCES, READING, TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE 1.1. MY BASIC UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT COACHING IS 1.1.1. What is coaching? The first book I read on coaching was John Whitmore’s[1] which outlined the GROW (Goal Reality Options Will) theoretical [...]

2014-03-05T11:56:53+01:00octobre 13th, 2013|Ca nous fait vibrer|

Third edition of The Insider’s View

Welcome... … to the third edition of The Insider’s View; the first edition born and raised in am&pm’s brand new offices in Leuven. In this issue we cover the important implications for immigration to Belgium as of July 1st Croatians have become EU citizens. We also meet Céline who recently joined our team of account executives, as she sheds a light on the bright side of relocation in a short “hello to you all”. In March we had the pleasure of welcoming many of you at our very first HR event at the Thon Hotel on the Rue de la Loi to hear about one of the hottest topics of the year; “Engineering Across Boundaries”. For those who liked it, and for those who missed it, we are preparing a second edition. And don’t miss this exclusive opportunity: the Pantone hotel has set up a competition for our readers and is offering a wonderful weekend-for-two in the heart of Brussels for the winner. Enjoy reading The Insider’s View under the beautiful autumn sun and I’m looking forward to seeing you at our upcoming office warming party. am & pm relocation NEW ADDRESS: Octogoon Building Interleuvenlaan 5 3001 Leuven, Belgium www.am-pm.be | info@am-pm.be Croatia joins EU On July 1st 2013 Croatia joined the European Union. Just as for other ‘new’ EU subjects (Romanians and Bulgarians) there is a transitional period for Croatians regarding the free movement of workers until 30th June 2015. Read on for the main issues, requirements and documents... Legal Update On June 1, 2011, the federal government signed a cooperation agreement with the regions and communities on the coordination of the controls on illegal employment and social security fraud. The Act of [...]

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